How you can donate and help OUR temple
“Generosity brings happiness at every stage of its expression. We experience joy in forming the intention to be generous. We experience joy in the actual act of giving something. And we experience joy in remembering the fact that we have given.” - Siddhārtha Gautama, The Buddha.
The practice of Dana or generosity is an important quality to cultivate. Our temple requires Dana for the propagation of the Dharma and to upkeep the temple premises. The Sangha and Management Committee of the Temple thank you sincerely for your generosity. By the grace of the merits accrued may you and your family be well, happy and peaceful...... Sadhu!
ways you can donate:
Donation boxes
Donation boxes within the temple grounds
Mobile app
Using ‘PayNow’ App to UEN T08SS0022F
Cheque made payable to “Uttamayanmuni Buddhist Temple”
bank transfer
Electronic bank transfer to
DBS Account 001-905041-3
Scan QR code
Using ‘Scan & Pay’ App by scanning QR code below.
Items needed by the temple
Click here to download
for more details
Supported Mobile Apps:

Official Letter
ways you can HELP:

Be a volunteer!
The temple is looking for volunteers in If you various areas of daily housekeeping and maintenance tasks. If you are living conveniently nearby and can afford the time, we would greatly appreciate your participation in this form of "dana".
If you would like to offer your time and service, you may:-
1. Call us at +65 6769 1751
2. Email us at uttamayanmuni@gmail.com
May the blessings of the Triple Gem be with you and your loved ones.